Drag Me To This Poor Excuse For A Movie
I recently ran into Sam Raimi while having lunch in the C-Actor's Cafe in Sheboygan. It was pleasant afternoon as I had a prime seat next to the Bruce Campbell wax figure. I later learned, in my conversation with Sam, that it was actually Bruce Campbell himself standing very still while he allowed Mr. Raimi to diddle him with a plastic spork. Apparently this is the penance for keeping his only-worth-a-cameo life relevant for the past 15 years.
After telling me what all knew, though, I decided to ask Raimi the tough questions over a pumpkin spiced half decaf, quarter caf, 1/3 chai, orange peeled mocha frappalattiatto. I then tied him to a chair, poured the $48 drink on his crotch and Jack Bauered him into an answer to the only things on the public's mind:
Why are you making Thinner 2 and who do you work for?
Sam died May 17th, 2009. He lived a long and...cult-followed life.
Raimi's new movie,
Drag Me To Hell, is the story of Christine, an attractive up and coming bank employee (Alison Lohman, whom you may remember as the runner up in the Who Isn't As Talented as Evan Rachel Wood pageant) who is dead set on living the perfect life with her Mac (Justin Long) in suburbia. The only problem is the crazy-eyed bitch who shows up on a Tuesday. And this is where it all goes awry.
What? No, not the situation for the girl. The movie. You see, the bank is frequented by a gypsy man (Paul Sorvino) who feels he needs revenge after the deat...oh. Whoops. No. There's nothing that good. This bank only has a crazy old hag constantly asking for a loan extension. This is such a common occurrence that Christine's boss tells her if she gets rid of the lady, the promotion she's been seeking is hers. Of course, when she does, the lady goes all Evil Queen of the Forest on her and summons the hounds of Hell. REALLY??????
So let me see if I can wrap my mind around this.
Girl works hard for promotion.
Lady can't pay mortgage, begs bank for help for the umpteenth time.
Girl uses common sense and declines.
Girl goes to Hell.
What happened to the days of grotesque people deserving this? Now we have to sit for two hours and believe that some tired, leprous whore can just go around throwing bricks and filling up the bus to Satan's playground because she is too irresponsible to pay her bills? Here's an idea, stop spending so much money on Ear of Toad and Tongue of Gnewt and throw it into a Money Market account. Hell, you've probably blown half your rent on the cab rides to and from the bank, you Dark Magic Moron. But no, you've been slighted. How dare this charming, career minded woman dare call you out on your inability to live a normal life taking care of your responsibilities? TO HELL WITH THEM ALL!!!
Can you imagine if Sauron had only wanted to replace Jell-O with some money-saving brand instead of destroying Middle Earth? No, you can't, because you're not retarded. I mean, what if Michael Douglas only went on a rampage because his nameplate was copper and not bronze? Or if Venom only hated Spider-Man enough to only show up in the last 12 minutes? Is that what you want for us, Sam?
The point is, this dumb bitch throws out curses like she's picking petals off a daisy and we are supposed to believe she had the right. Phooey. This movie would have been more watchable if they had just shown footage of lettuce farms in Mexico.
RatingsDropped Popcorn Kernels: 8 out of 132